**Only admins or group admins can send emails from iServe’s online application.**
Admins can send Emails from iServe to members. This can help foster communication between the leaders and members of the congregation so they can get announcements, upcoming events, or other important updates.
IMPORTANT: Emails can be received by members who have an email address saved to their profiles. If a member does not have an email address associated or saved in iServe, they will no receive the email.
Step 1. Log in to admin account on online app at http://[connect code].iserve.church
Step 2. Click on “Communication” on main menu.
Step 3. Select “Email” as the type of communication. (Note: Selecting “Email” will only send an email to members with an email address on their account. It will not create a push notification and will not post in iServe as an announcement. In order to do that, that form of communication must be selected separately.)
Step 4. Fill out the information for the Email including the following:
- To – Choose group/persons to receive the notification. (Note: Different groups can be set up in iServe so that a subset can receive the push notification and not all members.)
- Subject – This will be used as the subject of the email sent
- Body – This will be the text of the body of the email. You can use the rich-text editor for the email message
- Attachment – You can select an attachment to be added to the email and sent to the selected group/persons
Step 5. Press “Send” for Email to be sent to selected group/persons.
Updated for Version 3.0.1