**This function only applies to iServe’s online application. Admins cannot add members on iServe Mobile app at this time**
iServe allows admins to add additional members to the application using the following steps:
1. Login as admin to iServe Online
2. Go to “Admin > Add Person” (see Figure 1)

3. Enter the member information into the proper fields. Not all fields are required and additional edits/information can be added later by admin or user. Note: You must include an email address as a “Personal Email” or “Work Email” for the member so that they can access their iServe account (see Figure 2).

4. After clicking “Add” (see Figure 2) you should be taken to the user profile page for the new account (see Figure 3). This is where you can edit/add additional information for iServe:
- Edit any personal information
- Upload a photo for the user

- Under “Family” you can upload a family photo, select a spouse (spouse must already be entered into iServe), and add children (must already be entered into iServe). Hint: It may be best to add children first.

- Under “Involvement” tab, you can indicate what areas of involvement they have selected for your congregation. Note: these involvement areas must be set up before adding a person if you wish to select them at this time.
- Under “User Account” you can add them to the iServe system and they will received a “Welcome” email with their information.
Note: If you do NOT add them as a user, they will not receive a notification of their iServe account and they will NOT be able to access their iServe account.