**Only admins can add announcements in iServe’s online application. Members can submit announcements using online or mobile app.**
> Members: How To Submit Announcement for iServe
Announcements can be added to iServe so that all members will see it on their home screen. This can help foster communication for the congregation and members and make it easier for them to get info on upcoming events or other important updates.
Step 1. Log in to admin account on online app at http://[connect code].iserve.church
Step 2. Click on “Communication” on main menu.
Step 3. Select “Announcement” as the type of communication. (Note: Selecting announcement will only post/add the announcement to iServe but will not send out to members. In order to send, one of the other forms of communication must be used.)
Step 4. Fill out the information for the Announcement including the following:
- Short description – This will be used on home screen
- Full text of announcement – This will be visible to members on Announcements screen/tab. You can use the rich-text editor to format the announcement, including formatting text, adding hyperlinks or embedding a graphic.
- Date for Removal – Schedule a date that the announcement will no longer be visible on iServe.
Step 5. Press “Send” for announcement to be visible and active.
Updated for Version 3.0.1